
Back to Business: Reopening Safely - Atmosphere Blog

June 30, 2020

We all want normalcy back. The full restaurants, the packed bars, the foot traffic we were once used to. We can and will have that again; but limited seating, small groups and safe distances are the best strategies as businesses reopen.

Even with these guidelines, many businesses run the risk of accidentally breaking these rules, resulting in harsh penalties. Of course these rules will vary state by state, but the CDC’s extensive breakdown of recommendations are the best way for restaurants, bars and other businesses to know the guidelines. But what else can businesses do to not only reopen safely, but create the best experience possible to keep customers happy during these trying times?

Understand The New Norm

The life we live today is different. It’s not what we lived 6 months ago and it may be another 6 months before we return to that life. Your business and employees are better suited to succeed by understanding and adapting to this norm. To help that, hold a crash course with your company.

  • Create training solely built around CDCs new guidelines. These can be boot camps on proper sanitation, number of occupants or just simply getting used to wearing a mask.
  • Company leaders should create an additional employee handbook highlighting proper procedures to not only keep them safe, but customers as well.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice. Make it a game and reward employees for following the rules. Practice what you preach. Company leaders must lead by example and follow the same urgency and feel for the new procedures.

Display Proper Messaging

It’s easy for people to forget. One person tells you something, three minutes later it is out of mind. Not with extensive messaging. CDC guidelines and specific venue rules are key to not only staying open, but stopping the virus. How can you make sure these rules are seen? With Digital Signage.

  • With Digital Signage from Atmosphere, businesses can instantly reach their customer base within Atmosphere’s engaging content.
  • Our Digital Signage portal allows businesses to create or upload COVID-19 messaging and business rules that will effectively be seen.
  • Displaying this messaging through Atmosphere Pro follows CDC guidelines in informing patrons of proper precautions.

Keep Customers In Check

It’s one thing to say something, it’s another thing to do it. As a business, keep your customers informed and following the rules by reminding them of the proper procedures. Nicely bring it to a customers attention should they not be following guidelines. The only way to fully open up and return to any sense of normalcy is to hold people accountable. Remind customers if they:

  • Stand too close together
  • Are not wearing a mask
  • Coughing or sneezing without proper covering
  • Touching surfaces without proper sanitization

Create an Employee Monitor Plan

The safety and well-being of your employees should always be top of mind, even more in these times. To create a healthy environment beyond the CDC guidelines, put together a company monitoring system that routinely checks on each employee.

  • Temperature checks: Check employee temperatures at least twice a day
  • Inform employees on testing options: Keep them up-to-date on when, where and how they can get tested.
  • Touch Base: Call each employee and see how they are feeling. If any exempt symptoms, set them up with proper testing guidance

Communicate with Customers

As your doors open, communicate your plans, updates and rules as customers begin to flow back in. Reiterate this messaging through your social channels as well as in-house with custom ads displaying the latest.

  • Social Media: Reach out to your customer base via social messaging on reopening plans
  • Digital Signage: Continue this messaging with custom promotion through Atmosphere pro. Follow CDC guidelines with instant messaging throughout your business.

Additional Resources

Stronger together

These are unprecedented times. We stand behind all of our retail customers and thank you for your strength and partnership during this pandemic. Atmosphere was founded to help you succeed and as we get through this together, we will be here to continue offering our free platform to help entertain your customers and drive sales.

-Team Atmosphere